The idea for this group was conceived when me and an acquaintance were each looking forward for someone to spur our learning. What struck me in our conversation were the words he said, apparently he had been among the first alc group. Keep in mind that was over three years before we met, he didn't still feel he had left the beginner stage in android. His story struck a chord in me cause i had a similar one, i had dabbled in java over the years but feared if i went deep into it, it might derail my academic progress. This story was a common story among many wannabe programmers, that was when the idea struck me, why not create a group for many newbie android programmers, that would be committed to accelerating the learning path of its members to spur them to learn.
Please permit me to emphasize on the word serious. The activities of the group will be as follows:
Daily tasks will be given to participants to complete, every three days 3 persons will be assigned to teach the group what they have learnt with a video tutorial. The video tutorial will consist of a power point presentation, and an android studio part on how they wrote the code to solve their problem.

The daily tasks will build up to a weekly task, we will individually create an app every week, questions can be asked to resolve difficulties encountered when trying to execute their tasks. Every week two individuals will be paired together to create an app, make sure it is working and then give todo tasks to their partner. The source code of the app will be uploaded on github for both paired partners to complete each other’s task. A landing page will be created for easy access to a partners github profile.
Please the group is meant to help us all to be job ready by next year. Keep in mind that failure to complete tasks in two consecutive weeks will lead to removal from the group. A twitter page will be created to showcase members works as well as updates on progress. All this is to encourage us for we must aim for the sun lest we crash and get buried beneath the earth.
if you have any questions or contributions you can whatsapp me on 08187143963.