HOW to Create a Github Repository and Push Your Project Files to The Repository
This article will show you how to create a github repository and push your project files to your repository using the github desktop app. Let us start
Task 1: Make sure you have created a github account. Login into your github and account and click on New as highlighted by the red box.

Task 2: Type in a new repository name and initialize the .ReadME then click the create Repository button

Task 3: click on clone or download green button and then click on the open in desktop. Note: you must have downloaded the github desktop app and the GitBash app

Task 4: it will open in the desktop app. A folder will be created in your computer with a readme file contained in it. All you need to do is to copy and paste the project file e.g Html document into the folder created by github. As you can see in the image below.

Task 5: When you put the files in your github folder. A changes tab will appear and you will be able to preview your change. The name of the file you are previewing is highlighted in yellow. After previewing your changes you then click the commit button highlighted in red. Your changes will then be committed to the master branch of your repository. That is if you haven’t created another branch.

Task 6: click on the push origin button as shown in the image below

Note: when committing you may come across some errors. Just read the error statements and follow instructions. The most common error usually has to do with you not registering your email and username in the GitBash app. Just open your GitBash and type in the instructions shown on how to register your username and email address of your github account.
I remain your humble Jedi Knight Samwise Kenobi
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