On a daily basis in my mind i build and create multi billion dollar companies. From my childhood a substantial percentage of my allowances were spent on Forbes magazine with newspapers and romantic novels coming a distant second and third respectively.

Reading about companies and proposing ways for them to flourish and diversify, has become a norm in my daily routine. As inexperienced as i am, with a number of failed mini business (failure rate of 70%), most of my ideas usually die a natural death in my brain never to be seen on a paper or a digital device. I pledged as part of my 2020 goals to write more and what better to write than thoughts that have become a huge part of my daily routine. My thoughts will be expressed in series christened “My Thoughts” with focus on different companies.
”No company stirs within me a sense of pride by virtue of its awesomeness than Piggyvest, a Nigerian company”
No company stirs within me a sense of pride by virtue of its awesomeness than Piggyvest, a Nigerian company. Piggyvest is a Nigerian savings and investment platform. It does this by offering different services to its savers. The primary one is the feature that enables piggyvest automatically deduct a particular sum of money that the user authorizes it to do on either a daily, weekly or monthly basis, depending on the preference of the user.
On a regular basis, it does promotions that further endear it to its customers examples include its Piggyvest Santa Flex and Valentine Gifting . Additional features such as safelock, Investify and savings challenge has further made users more engaged with the app.
Before i launch into the narrating my daydreams about piggyvest, i want to make it plain that i do not seek to derive financial benefits from this series. The pleasure of sharing my dreams are sufficient for Alfred Nobel once said “If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied.”
“If I have a thousand ideas and only one turns out to be good, I am satisfied.” ~ Alfred Nobel
Gtbank remains my main bank for over 7 years despite the existence of my accounts in multiple banks. They came to me and decided to make the process of opening an account easier for me, a student seeking admission into university with no money to his name. 7 years later i am poised to enter the job market with increased earning and a willingness to try out each and everyone of their digital products. i will like to think they have made a substantial source of revenue from me.
7 years later i am poised to enter the job market with increased earning and a willingness to try out each and everyone of their digital products.
I believe the main future core of piggyvest customers is resident within our university system. Undergraduates who are tech savvy and more open to trying out new tech innovations will be future loyal customers.
Piggyvest over the years have mostly been advertised by word of mouth and the feats it has managed to achieve in this short duration has been nothing short of outstanding.
In order to better deepen customers trust in their brand i believe an element of human interaction has to embedded in their customer care response. whether by the virtue of timely response to whatsapp chats or the availability of a customer care line for customers to vent their anger. These features might be expensive in the short run but its usefulness will be vindicated in the long run.
Before i end this article i would like to point out that it is no way finished and i will continue to edit it as i see fit. If you would like to chip in other ideas or have a discussion feel free to message me on twitter @rake_code