My attempts to seek admission into a Nigerian university was ridden with disappointment, four years of writing jamb , three universities applied to, three different courses applied for and only one score below 200 with post utme scores approaching or surpassing 70 on three different occasions.
The day i was offered admission into the most sought after university in Nigeria(UNILORIN), i almost forgot about the text message infoming me of the admission and had to be queried about my admission status from my mom three days later to remember that i had at last broken the jinx or family curse i was afraid had been inflicted on me by an enraged ancestor.

As i looked forward to university life widening the horizon of my knowledge, i found out the Nigerian university was wholly under equipped to prepare me for the job market or to broaden my mind towards innovation. So i blundered on with the rest of the park , attending lecture day after day, week after week, passing year after passing year. Most of the class were basically dictation in which the lecturers would come to class and dictate to us from their notes,in other words we were not better than those who saved their time, energy and money at home since all they would do was to collect our notes and copy it.
Those years passed by but all was not lost. i took note of my experiences both positive and negative and found out that tech would make life and studying easier for the students while helping to reduce the lectures workload and connecting them to the students.
With the current state of failures and output of graduates that lack the necessary skills needed in the 21st century. I have made it my lifelong goal to raise Nigeria education system from the quagmire it has found itself.
I am sitting down typing this on my keyboard on the 5th of June 2018 as i launch a product, the first of many. A channel dedicated to educating and enlightening the populace through the use of info-graphics .

Feel free to comment below and express your ideas on how best to solve Nigeria’s educational problems. send an email to or whatsapp 08187143963 if you wish to share ideas .